German JPK 10.30 world champion in ORC Double Handed Worlds class B
It was two tired sailors that came ashore in Sandhamn on the afternoon 5th of July. They have experienced very varied sailing throughout the race. So Jonas Hallberg and Till Barth hadn’t follow the development of the results during the race. When we told them that they most likely were the winners and world champions in class B they first couldn’t believe it, but then there was happy faces and hugs. And the result were confirmed later: Gold to Germany.
- We are tired, exhausted, but very happy, Jonas summarized on the quay. I was a fantastic race, super cool, super fast, super windy.
When we told Jonas that they probably were the winner h just couldn’t believe his ears.
He called for Till and shouted hey probably were the winners. Cheers and hugs followed. When they calmed down a bit, Till said:
- It was sunny out ther, and stormy for a time actually. I’ve been here twice and it was always less wind. has been light winds. So it was really nice to sail today.
Se Till and Jonas when they were told that they won, after 21 minutes in the update.