The Gotland Runt event on Djurgården is sustainability certified

We are proud to announce that the Gotland Runt event on Djurgården has been sustainability certified. The Sustainability Event certification is a quality stamp developed by Greentime with the aim of advancing sustainability efforts in the events industry.

In collaboration with Greentime, KSSS has examined and documented every step from planning to the execution of the Gotland Runt event in 2023 and has now been approved as a certified sustainable event. The certification standard is based on the global goals for sustainable development, Agenda 2030, and is reviewed by independent auditors.

KSSS strives to conduct its operations in a long-term sustainable manner, with a primary focus on environmental issues that ultimately have economic and social implications. We also emphasize the importance of a sustainable organization.

For the Gotland Runt event, KSSS has high ambitions both in the short and long term. The starting point is to examine and focus on the event's environmental impact, our social responsibility, and economic considerations in both small and large matters.