The following trophies and prizes were awarded on Gotland Runt 2024. For more information about the individual awards, click HERE.
Fastest boat - Monohull, (sailing time) (Nirvana Trophy)
Tschuss 2 -Johnny Mordaunt - New York Yacht Club
Overall Winner of Gotland Runt* (Revengepokalen)
Tschuss 2 -Johnny Mordaunt - New York Yacht Club
Best Double Handed* (Tennpokalen)
Tutalör - Anna Drougge/Martin Angsell - Royal Swedish Yacht Club
Best Boat to Hoburgen* (Linjeflyg Trophy)
Tutalör - Anna Drougge/Martin Angsell - Royal Swedish Yacht Club
Best Fullcrew SRS A* (Corum Trophy)
Tschuss 2 -Johnny Mordaunt - New York Yacht Club
Best Fullcrew SRS B* (Johan Stålhand Trophy)
Boxer - Mats Victorin - Royal Swedish Yacht Club
Best Fullcrew SRS C* (KSSS Trophy)
Jacutsi - Lauri Katajisto - Vaasan merenkyntäjät
Fastest ORCi boat (sailing time) (Allt för sjön Trophy)
Rafale - Klaas Höpcke - Norddeutscher Regatta Verein
Best Female Crew - Stormfåglarna
Super Sonic - Sofia Johansson - Edsvikens Segelsällskap
Best Female Crew to Hoburgen - Lucie Rääf Trophy
Carissa- Raijla Alapeteri - Ocean Ladies Ry
Best Fullcrew ORCi A (WeDe Trophy)
Rafale - Klaas Höpcke - Norddeutscher Regatta Verein
Best Fullcrew ORCi B (Pripps Trophy)
Garm- Per Roman - Royal Swedish Yacht Club
Fastest boat in Classic Class - sailing time - Visby pokalen
Beatrice Aurore - Fredrik Brodin -Royal Swedish Yacht Club
Fastest boat in Classic Class - sailing time - Arvid Nordqvist Trophy
Beatrice Aurore - Fredrik Brodin -Royal Swedish Yacht Club
Best boat to Visby in Classic Class Fredrik Wallenberg Trophy
Refanut - Fredrik Wallenberg - Royal Swedish Yacht Club
Best boat in Classic Class
Beatrice Aurore - Fredrik Brodin -Royal Swedish Yacht Club
Spirit of Tradition
Luna- Fredrik Heijne - Royal Swedish Yacht Club
Best IOR boat *
Walenna- Carl Wale - Royal Swedish Yacht Club
Best youth boat * (Kurt Ribbhagens Trophy)
To be regarded as a youth boat, at least one third of the crew shall be 25 years or younger.
Who Valley- Olof Holmberg - Vikingarnas Segelsällskap
Best Finnish boat * (KSSS Cup)
AlmaVida- Jens Krogell/Nea Raahenmaa- Xtra Staerk Ocean Racing Society
Best Swan Boat* (Swan Trophy)
Katima - Jan Opländer - Norddeutscher Regatta Verein/Flensburger Segel Club
T H Tromps Trophy is awarded to the boat with the longest distance to the start.
Tschuss 2 -Johnny Mordaunt - New York Yacht Club
Privateer -Scott Innes-Jones - New York Yacht Club
Best Media crew
The crew onboard SWEE has sent in a lot of videos and pictures to the Gotland Runt media crew from their journey around Gotland. Good and inspiring content during the Race, with constant live update
Best Linjett* (Rebellpokalen)
Contessa - Johan Gransten - Royal Swedish Yacht Club
Best foredeck crew (Janne Gustafsson Memorial Prize)
Janne Gustavsson's memorial is awarded to the best foredeck crew. The winner is appointed after nomination by the Person in Charge after the finish in Sandhamn. This prize, the Janne Gustafsson memorial, will be awarded to a bowman whose qualities of skill, endurance, fearlessness and determination has contributed to the successful result of the boat.
This year you have nominated many skilled, bold and persistent crew members. The nominated bowman has in challenging conditions acted effectively and quickly in complex situations at mast and when changing sails.The bowman has shown good leadership and developed communication with the rearguard. This has increased the capacity of our team.
The Janne Gustafsson memorial, will be awarded the bowman OSKAR SÖMERMAA, Oxygen
* Calculated time