About ksss.se - ENG

KSSS arranges international conference for leading sailing clubs
In the exotic spring sun, KSSS hosts the 10th edition of the European and South American ICOYC Conference. Over 20 of the world's leading sailing clubs visit Saltsjöbaden and Sandhamn at the end of...

Gotland Runt will start in Sandhamn 2024
Gotland Runt, the world's largest annual offshore race, will make a temporary return to its historical roots in Sandhamn in 2024. The start, which has been in central Stockholm in recent years, is...

Ksss.se in English
On the KSSS English page you will find a limited part of the Clubs range of activities and services. On this page we have posted general information about the club. If you are looking for up-to-date...